
The small swimming pool of Schaeck is located on 2 Baden: A recreational pool with a maximum depth of 1.40 meters, and a duikkuil of 3.50 meters.

Het recreatiebad heeft de folgende faciliteiten:
- A 3-goots glijbaan
- A water canon
- A bridge bank
- A small glijbaan for the small things

The duikkuil has 2 duikplanken, which is vanwege de veiligheid altijd 1 geopend.

Verder heeft de buitenaccommodatie a large sun meadow with daarop and an aitrampoline, voetbaldoeltjes , a basketball board and a board with gates and football balls. Ok, it is a block that is used as a horeca to be printed on the next day. Tevens is a game for small children, with a pet bath.